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Integrated services for
conferences, exhibitions, cultural events



We design and implement the visual identity of your event, with logo and corporate image study to build the materials with which to communicate the event.



We plan the content and design of your exhibit using recycled and/or recyclable materials, with the use of 4.0 instrumentation (3D printing, lase cutter, etc.).



We build web platforms for all-around management of your event, with registration forms, management, registration forms, content upload forms.

Technical assistance

for events

We assist you with specialized staff in the technical management of your event (directing, video shooting, web sharing, blended events).

Media &


We design Communication Plans for the dissemination of your event or project on all channels (online and offline), with graphic and media content creation.

Organizational secretariat

We manage the organizing secretariat both at the initial stage (participant registration, communication with partners and sponsors) and during the event.

Contact Us

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Registered Office

Via Venezia, 11 - 89128 Reggio Calabria (RC)

Operational Headquarters

Via del Gelsomino, 35 - 89128 Reggio Calabria (RC)

REA RC-203978  |  C.F: e P.Iva 03008100806

Mail  |  Pec  |  Cell +39 334 2661650 / +39 345 8032220  |  Tel +39 0965 922435

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We are on MePA on the following commodity areas:

- Audio, photo, video and lighting

- Marketing, communication, advertising, social media, market research

- Training services

- Printing and graphic design services

- Integrated event organization and management services

© 2023 by PMopenlab srls

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